Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Method 8

OK let's admit this right up front. I have finally found some Web 2.0 features that I think are a total waste of time. FaceBook and My Space have millions of members and that makes them something I need to be aware of. But Twitter. I have to draw the line at Twitter. Even the word brings to mind great flocks of crows and starlings "twittering" as they settle in for the night. What a waste of time.
Back to FaceBook and My Space for awhile. I have a FaceBook account and I even check it about once ever 3 months or so. I have a young nephew who actually wrote to me a few times. I enjoy his phone calls more. But my library and my university also have FaceBook accounts and I check the library's about once a month. We must be doing something wrong because my account has more activity than the library's. I think we got swept up in the Web 2.0 frenzy and decided we wanted a FaceBook page. That's not a very good reason for doing it but it was "free" and you know how I like free or cheap. We can improve as we go along I guess. One of our problems is that we do not have an official presence on FaceBook like we do for our webpage. I understand the purpose of a personal page in Facebook but for a public library or an academic one I think there needs to be more structure and a certain predetermined committment to try and make it succeed. I just don't want to be the person who gets that job.
One more thought. Does anyone else remember 20 years ago when almost every one just had to have a CB in their car. Where are all those CBs now. And will there be a thriving FaceBook in 20 more years.

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